CODE OF DRESS For specific functions, there are specific dress codes one should adhere to in order to remain totally professional at all times. The dress code will be defined by the type of function taking place, but if you are uncertain about what is appropriate for...
GOOD MANNERS Having good manners is a prerequisite of professionalism. Your conduct is a reflection of your upbringing, education, values and principles, the organisation you work for and the company you keep. Always be true to yourself—if you can’t be true to...
CONFLICT SEEKERS Do you work, live, or interact with someone who seems determined to engage you in some kind of conflict? Do you find yourself getting hooked into their drama and before you know it you are in a no-win situation? How does this happen and why? The...
LISTENING Most people spend about 70% of their waking hours in some form of verbal communication. Yet, how many of us have ever had any formal training in the art of listening? Real listening is an active process that has three basic steps. Hearing Hearing just means...
CARING AND COMPASSION People who are placed in positions of authority—especially people in management positions in organisations—may sometimes show a lack of compassion toward other people, because they may be experiencing a subconscious feeling of superiority and...
BUILDING LASTING RELATIONSHIPS Building lasting, successful relationships is one of the most important roles of anyone’s life. Every organisation and all business depends on relationships—internal (with the people you work with) and external (with customers, service...