Make time for your children. Have meals with them. Talk to them. Listen to them. Converse. Don’t watch TV during this time, and ban cell phones at meal times – for good. Have you noticed how much more you converse with your family during load-shedding? Mealtime should...
Small babies can read body language and they respond to tone of voice, so if you get angry because they’re crying, they will be negatively affected. Remain calm and speak in a kind, soothing voice. Even tiny babies read your facial expressions and tone of voice. Your...
Explain why you say no. Don’t say: “Because I said so!” They want and deserve an explanation. Explaining to your child why you want them to do something, or why you don’t want them to do something, explains the value of it. Once your child understands your reason,...
We are so good at catching our children being naughty or doing something wrong! We should focus more on catching them being good. “Thank you for helping your little brother with his puzzle this afternoon.” “I noticed that you made your bed this morning! Well done!”...
How would you feel if your boss consistently came down hard on you on a daily basis and never allowed you to make even small mistakes? What would it do to your emotional state and self-esteem? Be kind when things go wrong or when your child does something you don’t...
Children learn from the people they look up to – mostly their parents. Display behaviours that you would like your children to display. Be kind. Be honest. Be calm and behave well when things go wrong. Watch what you say in front of them – even your toddlers. They...