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When we suffer a loss we grieve the loss, and the more significant the loss the deeper and more intense we grieve. Grief causes a range of feelings from deep sadness, anger, guilt, yearning to regret. Recovery depends on your background, beliefs, and attachment to what was lost. It can be anything from losing a loved-one, your income, a friendship, your health, your freedom, your home, a pet, or perhaps your future plans.

Accepting loss and learning to function again is a process. Grieve counselling will help you to cope with your emotions and feelings so that you can once again experience inner-peace, acceptance and happiness.

You may experience opposing thoughts as you try to make sense of your loss. Consoling thoughts: “He had a good, long life” or upsetting thoughts: “It wasn’t his time to die.” You may also assign various levels of responsibility to yourself, from: “There was nothing I could have done to save him” to: “I am to blame.”

We sometimes use unhealthy and destructive means to keep us from feeling sorrow. I strongly advise you to have bereavement counselling. I will help you through the process and give you specific tools for recovery so that you can begin to smile again and make plans for a bright future.

Elsabé Manning
084 371 9105